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Inpath TES - Innovation Pathways to Thermal Energy Storage

Climate change is one of the most worrying challenges currently facing humanity. To a large extent, climate change is caused by human activity and it is particularly associated with the excessive consumption of fossil fuels, which are the main source of CO2 emissions and air pollution.

Many solutions have been proposed to help reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. The use of renewable energy and waste heat recovery are amongst the most promising of these. However, to promote their full deployment, they must be used in combination with thermal energy storage. Therefore, it is possible to offset the mismatch between energy availability and energy demand.  

Following the recommendations from the SET Plan Roadmap on Education and Training, the INPATH-TES project was launched in May 2015, which is funded by the EC within the framework of the research and innovation programme “Horizon 2020”. The main objective of this project is to establish a joint PhD programme on Thermal Energy Storage technologies.

The project consortium consists of 22 partners from 14 different European countries and includes 14 universities, 3 research institutes, 3 industries and 2 SME.

They form the core of what, in the future, will be a much larger network of prestigious R&D institutions and industries which will educate professionals on these technologies.

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